CPD Repository
As a Professional Body recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), EAPASA is required to ensure that registered members undertake CPD.
In order to meet the SAQA CPD requirement, registered EAPs are reminded to undertake, record and save a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) of CPD activities. You are kindly requested to keep an EAPASA CPD Record Sheet, to be submitted annually, with the first submission due in February 2021. EAPs are therefore requested to record CPD credits guided by the three categories described in the document ‘EAPASA CPD Categories and Record Sheet’ and can be downloaded. A MS Word version of the ‘EAPASA CPD Record Sheet’ is also attached, into which you can enter information about your CPD activities on an ongoing basis as and when you participate in events or activities. Please note that EAPASA is not yet in a position to accredit courses and the responsibility rests with each registered EAPs to complete the attached EAPASA CPD Record Sheet guided by the three categories which are described in the EAPASA CPD Guidelines – see section 3, Table 1 and Lists 1 and 2 and can be downloaded.
EAPASA is developing an online CPD system in parallel to the current online registration system. Once this is taken live, you will be able to upload your CPD Record Sheet and the associated Portfolio of Evidence. In the interim, please keep your record sheet and evidence for submission to the online CPD system in February 2021.