Our Committee's
- Committees
- Registration
- Public Relations
- Quality and Standards
- Professional Conduct
- Audit & Finance
The Registration Committee was established in 2012. The mandate of the Registration Committee is to establish a register of competent and reputable EAPs in accordance with Section 24H Regulations of NEMA.
Functions, Roles & Responsibilities
- To finalise guidelines, systems and procedures for registration, sanctions and discipline and publicise
- Undertake a feasibility assessment for the registration of the EAP sector to establish demand for registration, potential uptake, costing and capacity requirements and registration fees
- Develop a plan for ensuring adequate capacity to conduct RPL assessments will be available, including referees for assignment to registration applications
- Finalise registration applications forms and manual
- Develop an information management system and database to support the register of REAPs
- Establish and maintain web-based electronic registration application system
- Plan and implement a communications strategy for publicising the registration board, key principles, registration criteria and standards, dates and deadlines for applications as well as procedures for registration
- Announce the readiness of EAP registration system through media adverts and broad communication
- Schedule and hold four meetings of registration committee annually
- Set up, update and maintain an accurate register of REAPs and Candidate EAPs past and present
- Set up and implement system to ensure all documentation required by registration committee is prepared timeously
- Set up and implement system to notify all applicants of the outcome of applications with reasons where relevant within two weeks of decisions by the Registration Committee
A Rule Book has been compiled which contains the procedures and rules established for the operation of the Association and the Board.
Committee Members
- M. Le Roux - Committee Chairperson
- J. Hex
- E. Molepo
- K. Tshipala
- S. Makhudu
- S. Nkosi
The Public Relations Committee is responsible for preparing and updating the EAPASA communication strategy. The strategy includes maintaining the Association’s website, liaising with media, generating social media posts, arranging and attending roadshows and conferences and making recommendations to the Board on media and public relations guidelines and strategies in order to promote EA principles and practice. The PR Committee is also responsible for the General Meeting and the Biennial Report coordination.
Functions of Committee
Communication Strategy – The Public Relations Committee drafts a strategy and associated plan on how it intends to manage organisational communication both internally and externally.
Communications assist employees and external stakeholders to better understand the core function and goals of the organisation. A communication plan is therefore developed in order to outline who should receive these messages (target audience), through which communication channels and by when this should be achieved.
Newsletters – Electronic EAP-mails containing news about EAPASA’s activities and the environmental industry in general are drafted at least quarterly. The newsletter is sent to Registered EAPs and other EAPASA subscribers.
Social Media – EAPASA has four (4) social media platforms, namely Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. These platforms assist with promoting brand awareness, customer service and provide a quick means to communicate with our stakeholders as the world and our organisation moves towards the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Media Release – Press releases are utilised to distribute official statements to different media houses to provide information or make an announcement to our stakeholders.
Website – Managing EAPASA’s online presence, the website makes it easier for prospective EAPs and other interested parties to access information about the organisation and have a better understanding of what is being offered to them by the organisation.
Roadshows – EAPASA makes use of outreach programmes including roadshows to attract prospective EAPs interested in registering with the Professional Body and raise awareness of environmental assessment and sustainable practices.
Committee Members
- J. Hex (Committee Chairperson)
- S. Makhudu
- J. Molwantwa
- KD. Musetsho
- S. Nkosi
The Professional Development Committee’s mandate is dictated by Clause 10.3.4 of the EAPASA Constitution. The Committee is:
“responsible for creating an enabling environment for professional development and mentoring of registered Candidate EAPs and responsible for assessing the Professional Development and Skills Transfer reports of applicants for re-registration”.
For the purposes of fulfilling the responsibilities of the Registration Authority for EAPs in South Africa, EAPASA makes a clear distinction between:
- Professional development of registered Candidate EAPs leading to registration as an EAP
- Continuing Professional Development of registered EAPs
Registered Candidate EAPs working towards registration as Professional EAPs should plan their professional development specifically to work towards meeting the requirements for registration. However, all EAPs, once registered, will be required to undertake and record their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities as a prerequisite for renewal of their professional registration. The responsibility for meeting the CPD obligation will rest with the individual professional.
Functions, Roles & Responsibilities
- Develop a Transformation Charter for EAPASA
- Canvass experienced EAPs and relevant companies to provide mentoring support to Candidate EAPs
- Promote the code of ethical practice and behaviour in the public interest
- Consult with educational institutions to mobilise black and/or women students to join the profession
- Establish systems and procedures for acknowledging and responding to requests for support from Candidate EAPs
- Compilation of CPD Guidelines which the applicant would be able to use in ensuring CPD
- Make recommendations on possible improvements to the criteria and standards applied in registration on the basis of experience
- The committee is responsible for the Qualification Standard for Environmental Assessment Practice (SAQA ID 61831) to be applied by educational programmes and institution, and standards or criteria for the internal registration process.
- Make recommendations to the Board relating to the Qualification Standard, the Code of Ethical Conduct and Practice, accreditation of degree programmes at institutions of higher learning that include the outcomes of the Qualifiction Standard for Environmental Assessment Practice.
- Responding to complaints regarding the conduct or practices of registered EAPs or registered Candidate EAPs
- Investigating complaints and/ or conducting hearings based on the procedures applicable in terms of the Malpractice Policy or as specified in any EAPASA policy from time to time
- List Recommending decisions to the EAPASA Board in respect of matters referred to it, including appropriate sanctions to be imposed where relevant
Committee Members
- J Hex Committee Chairperson
- E Molepo
- J Molwantwa
- K Tshipala
- S Makhudu
- S Nkosi
CPD Requirements
All Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioners (REAPs) will be required to undertake and record Continuing Professional Development activities.
This record is a prerequisite to the five-yearly renewal of professional registration with EAPASA.
Guidelines for Professional Development and Continuing Professional Development are provided in Section 3 of the Rule Book of the of the Constitution of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa.
Section 3 - an extract from the Rule Book
This extract is as at February 2016.
1. Introduction:
For the purposes of fulfilling the responsibilities of the Registration Authority for Environmental Assessment Practitioners in South Africa, EAPASA makes a clear distinction between:
1. Professional development of registered Candidate EAPs leading to registration as an EAP; and
2. Continuing Professional Development of Registered EAPs.
1.1 Professional development
It is recommended that registered Candidate EAPs who are working towards registration as EAPs should plan their professional development in order specifically to work towards meeting the requirements for registration. The support and assistance of employers and/or mentors is important to ensure that a Candidate EAP progresses to becoming a Registered EAP. Employers should ensure that adequate resources are allocated to appropriate training and relevant experience, recognizing that professional development will benefit their organisation by strengthening the professional competence of their employees.
1.2 Continuing Professional Development
Once registered, the focus of an EAP’s Continuing Professional Development will differ according to his/her area of work, background training, competencies, experience, and career aspirations.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is defined as: “The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties, and contribution to capacity building in the field, throughout an Environmental Assessment Practitioner’s working life.”
All Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) will be required to undertake and record Continuing Professional Development activities as a prerequisite to renewal of their professional registration.
The responsibility for meeting the CPD obligation rests with the individual Registered EAP.
2. CPD requirements
All Registered EAPs are required to submit CPD records when applying to renew their registration at the required period stipulated in the EAPASA Constitution.
In order for an EAP to optimize his/her CPD, it is recommended that the EAP explicitly identifies and prioritises those particular areas within his/her current and/or foreseeable future work, including specific personal and career ambitions, that would benefit from additional learning or skills acquisition. The CPD programme should strive to address those priority areas.
The CPD record sheet should show progress in two key areas, namely:
Area 1: Evidence of the EAP updating and improving his/her knowledge and understanding of environmental assessment, and technical skills.
CPD could target areas needed to:
- undertake current environmental assessment (EA) work more effectively;
- keep in touch with EA issues not directly related to one’s day-to-day work; and
- develop skills complementary to professional EA activities, and designed to help career progression or to maintain competence (e.g. managerial skills, knowledge management, etc.).
The examples given below are not exhaustive. If unsure whether or not an activity will be deemed relevant, it should be included:
- Attending an ‘outside’ seminar, conference, congress, colloquium or workshop;
- Attending meetings of associations or professional organisations in the field of impact assessment or related fields;
- Attending an accredited training course at a university or technikon;
- Attending a training course run by an environmental assessment organisation [1];
- Attending ‘in-house’ training or small-group discussions or colloquia; and
- Study through distance learning programmes.
- Reading relevant journals / articles;
Area 2: Contribution to the EA industry, capacity building and awareness raising: evidence of the EAP having ‘given back’ his/her knowledge, understanding or related skills of environmental assessment to peers, Candidate EAPs and the wider public.
The examples given below are not exhaustive. If unsure whether or not an activity will be deemed relevant, it should be included:
- Giving presentations or talks on impact assessment or related topics;
- Voluntary work in support of sustainability, environmental or conservation bodies, including assisting non-government organisations or community-based organisations with EA or related work on a pro bono basis;
- Involvement in boards, committees or sub-committees, working groups, focus groups, forums or panels related to environmental assessment;
- Networking with other EAPs, EA organisations or institutions;
- Providing training, tutoring, and/or lecturing in EA or related topics, for instance, giving undergraduate lectures or postgraduate seminars at institutions of higher learning;
- Co-ordinating and/or running short courses;
- Mentoring Candidate EAPs and/or supporting the development of other aspiring EAPs (refer to the CPD Guideline for supporting information and a recommended approach); and
- Writing papers and articles on environmental assessment; and
- Becoming an EAPASA Assessor, which requires undergoing EAPASA approved Recognition of Prior Learning training[2],
In each Area:
- List discrete activities;
- List activities in chronological order; and
- List details such as the dates, time spent on each activity, and a brief description of the subjects covered.
It is important to note that CPD points must be obtained from both Area 1 and Area 2 and some activities will be capped to a maximum number of points in a 5 year period. Detail of the points provided per activity and any applicable thresholds are contained in the EAPASA CPD Guideline.
3. Accreditation of Training Courses
During the first registration cycle (2016 to 2020) EAPASA will not accredit training courses and therefore the onus of determining whether a particular training course is appropriate will be left to the person signing-up for the course, to make sure that it meets the training they need to build their case for a well-rounded professional development record. The EAP should provide EAPASA with a certificate of attendance, where such is provided, or a letter from the provider indicating that the EAP has attended and met the requirements for a particular course. The EAP should further provide contact details for the course provider
4. Adjusting CPD requirements:
In certain circumstances (e.g. illness; maternity leave, temporary offshore residence), considered on a case-by-case basis, the requirement for CPD may be adjusted. Requests for CPD requirements to be adjusted should be made in writing to the EAPASA Registrar.
5.Part-time professional work
Registered EAPs who work part-time will need to be no less competent than those in full-time work, and will thus strive to meet the full CPD requirements over any five year period.
6.Failure to meet CPD requirements
Failure to meet the CPD requirements will impact on the ability of a Registered or Candidate EAP to re-register at the end of each 5 year cycle, as specified in Section of the EAPASA Constitution.
[1] May include relevant professional councils, institutes, societies or associations (e.g. IAIAsa)
[2] Please note that only Registered EAPs who have undertaken the formal RPL training qualify to become an Assessor. Applications to undergo RPL training should be made to the EAPASA Registrar.
Why CPD?
Continued Professional Development (CPD) has benefits for the public, employers and the EAP.
The registered environmental assessment practitioner will benefit as CPD:
- Maintains or increases one's level of technical competence;
- Extends one's range of skills;
- Develops new areas of expertise;
- Promotes confidence and pride in one's work; and,
- Establishes links with fellow professionals, thereby increasing one's career options.
The public and employers will benefit. A registered EAP, having to comply with CPD obligations, means that the public and employers can rely on:
- Professionals whose skills are being maintained and developed;
- Skilled professional service; and,
- Technical competence.
By law the Board has to assess your application against the Exit Level Outcomes (ELOs), their associated assessment criteria and the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes (CCFOs) of the national qualification standard for Environmental Assessment Practice, South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) ID 61831.
However, to make the requirements more accessible, the EAPASA Board has changed the term, Exit Level Outcomes of the national qualification standard for Environmental Assessment Practice into Core Competencies and Critical Cross-Core Competencies of the current practitioners applying for registration.
- Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the environment, sustainable development, environmental assessment, and integrated environmental management
Range: Conceptual understanding includes but is not limited to performance, quality, function, structure and thresholds.
- Demonstrate the ability to think holistically, systemically, systematically, spatially and in an integrative manner and to discern what is relevant to decision-making.
- Identify and apply environmental assessment and management procedures and methods.
- Review and monitor environmental assessment procedures and methods.
Range: Review and monitor include but are not limited to assessment of appropriateness of procedures and methods used, assessment of project risk, determining monitoring procedures and requirements.
- Conduct applied research in a specific context.
- Note: An EAP is not required to conduct specialist studies.
- Meet specific communication requirements at all levels through environmental reporting processes and stakeholder engagement.
Range: Specific communication requirements include technical and non-technical requirements.
Note: Stakeholder engagement also refers to public participation.
The Standards and Criteria Committee of the Board is working with SAQA to convert the level descriptor of the EA practice qualification as a result of changes brought about by the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework Act, Act 67 of 2008.
The Board engages with the Council on Higher Education (CHE) through its Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) to facilitate the accreditation of learning programmes against the EA qualification.
Educational institutions – called providers in the act – will develop a curriculum or learning programme that meets the requirements of the qualification. Once learning programmes are accredited by the HEQC of the CHE, and "recorded against this qualification", educational institutions will be informed of the actions needed to become providers of the EA Practice qualification.
The qualification standard addresses environmental assessment in a broad context. It encompasses the practice of Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Assessment, their aims, purpose and evolution.
The qualification standard aims to:
- Harness into common practice the variety of skills and knowledge from various disciplines engaging in environmental assessment related activities.
- Allow for standardisation of the academic requirements that a potential EAP requires. The intention is to set this qualification at a level that ensures that EAPs have adequate knowledge and the skills necessary to undertake/review environmental assessment.
- Provide a formal qualification for those individuals who conduct and/or review environmental assessments, in public or private practice.
- Improve the quality of environmental assessment and contribute to improved decision making.
Qualifying learners will be able to:
- Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the environment, sustainable development, environmental assessment, and integrated environmental management.
- Demonstrate the ability to think holistically, systemically, systematically, spatially and in an integrative manner and to discern what is relevant to decision-making.
- Identify and apply environmental assessment and management procedures and methods.
- Review and monitor environmental assessment procedures and methods.
- Conduct applied research in a specific context.
- Meet specific communication requirements at all levels through environmental reporting processes and stakeholder engagement.
The qualification provides a basis for further learning in environmental planning, environmental management, environmental law or any related specialist fields.
In particular, the following cross-field outcomes:
- Identifying and solving problems in which responses show that integrative thinking and critical analysis has been made when:
- Gathering and assessing information for environmental assessment purposes.
- Determining measures to mitigate and manage impacts.
- Reviewing reports and identifying gaps.
- Assessing cumulative impact and investigating alternatives.
Working effectively with others as a member of a inter-disciplinary team when:
- Integrating and synthesising information from various sources for informed decision making.
- Working as a member of, or leading, a project team.
- Appreciating the purpose and role of environmental assessment in the decision-making process.
Organising and managing oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively when:
- Applying assessment techniques.
- Managing/working with inter-disciplinary project team.
- Meeting deadlines.
- Preparing and working within budgets.
Communicating effectively with stakeholders and authorities using:
- Written and verbal communication techniques to support environmental assessment activities.
- Analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information through documents, presentations and workshops.
- Stakeholder engagement.
Collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information from various sources when:
- Analysing impact and preparing environmental assessment reports.
Using science and technology effectively and showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others when:
- Selecting environmental assessment procedures and methods.
- Predicting and assessing impacts and identifying measures to mitigate and manage impact.
Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising the complex and dynamic nature of these systems as well as the inter-relationships and linkages that exist between systems when:
- Applying theoretical knowledge to environmental assessment procedures and methods.
- Assessing and synthesising information from various sources.
- Analysing impact and determining significance.
- Considering and interpreting effects of development at a hierarchy of different scales.
Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive to the social and cultural systems of others when:
- Engaging with stakeholders.
- Analysing and assessing social and cultural systems.
- Assessing the impact of a development on the natural and built environment.
- Respecting and using indigenous or traditional knowledge.
There are six exit level outcomes for which assessment criteria are described.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 1:
1.1 The concept of sustainable development is explored with regard to its origins, content, imperatives, ethical basis and implications.
1.2 An understanding of environmental management is demonstrated to provide a context for the purpose and need of environmental assessment.
Range: An understanding include but is not limited to knowledge of the cycle of activities (plan, implement, check and review), the tools used, its purpose, aim, history and role in promoting sustainable development.
1.3 An understanding of environmental assessment is demonstrated by a knowledge of its history, purpose and role in promoting sustainable development.
Range: environmental assessment refers to Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Assessment.
1.4 An understanding of the intricate linkages within and between systems and processes are demonstrated through critical review to reflect an appreciation of the principles and requirements that would facilitate sustainability within these systems.
Range: biophysical, socio-economic, institutional, cultural and built environment.
1.5 The intricate linkages within and between systems and processes are analysed according to structure, function, performance and interdependencies.
Range: systems include but are not limited to biotic, abiotic, social, economic, political, institutional, cultural and built environment.
1.6 The interdependencies of human well-being and the integrity of the natural environment are explored utilising trans-disciplinary frameworks and knowledge.
1.7 Technology and technological solutions to environmental problems are explored and utilised to contribute to sustainable development.
1.8 Environmental and planning legislation and policies are interpreted in order to reflect relevance to environmental assessment practice
Range: Environmental and planning legislation and policies include but not limited to international environmental protocols and conventions, national environmental and planning legislation, subordinate legislation, guidelines.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 2:
2.1 Inter-relationships and linkages between the component parts of the environment are distinguished and analysed in terms of their complexities, dynamics, spatial relationships, influences on and relevance to environmental decision-making and sustainable development.
Range: Component parts include but are not limited to natural and social components.
2.2 Limits of acceptable change and/or thresholds beyond which systems may fail are determined in order to avoid damage or loss.
2.3 Environmental resilience is evaluated in order to assess the ability of the environment to restore itself.
2.4 Relevant specialist studies are integrated and synthesised to inform decision making.
2.5 Information is interpreted to reflect systemic causation of impacts.
Range: Impacts include but are not limited to direct, indirect, secondary and cumulative.
Range: Information includes but is not limited to component parts, inter-relationships, limits of acceptable change, thresholds and resilience.
2.6 Other relevant processes are analysed to reflect their inter-relationships with and relevance to environmental assessment.
Range: Other relevant processes include but are not limited to planning, re-zoning, institutional, legal, regulatory.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 3:
3.1 A knowledge of environmental assessment procedures and methods is demonstrated in order to determine which method to apply in a specific context.
Range: Environmental assessment procedures and methods may include Social Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment, Life Cycle Analysis, Health Impact Assessment, Biodiversity Assessment, Technology Assessment, Economic Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Sustainability Assessment, Heritage Impact Assessment.
3.2 Fundamental environmental assessment procedures and methods are integrated and applied according to specific context requirements.
Range: Fundamental environmental assessment procedures and methods (including Cumulative Impact Analysis) refer to Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Assessment.
Range: Integrative manner includes but is not limited to holistic, systemic, systematic, and spatial.
Range: Specific context requirements include but are not limited to social, economic, built, biophysical, cultural components; scale at which the assessment is to be undertaken; relevance in terms of international, national, provincial, or local significance.
3.3 The results of specialist environmental assessment procedures and methods are interrogated and synthesised in order to determine the effects of a development proposal.
Range: Environmental assessment procedures and methods may include Social Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment, Life Cycle Analysis, Health Impact Assessment, Biodiversity Assessment, Technology Assessment, Economic Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Sustainability Assessment, Heritage Impact Assessment.
3.4 Legal requirements relevant to environmental assessment are interpreted and applied in terms of their relevance to the specific proposal.
Range: Legal requirements include but are not limited to Acts, sub-ordinate legislation, policies, guidelines and international legal instruments and protocols.
3.5 Scoping is conducted in order to identify potential environmental impacts.
Range: Scoping includes but is not limited to comprehensive identification, rationale for inclusion or dismissal of impacts, required level of assessment, environmental scanning, site inspection, societal values, community concerns.
3.6 Judgements are made on the desirability of development proposals based on an evaluation of their sustainability, impacts, mitigation options and the likely benefits.
3.7 A judgement is made on specialist inputs required in order to provide a scoped assessment.
Range: Judgement includes but is not limited to if and when, nature, terms of reference including scale, scope, significance of proposal, key questions, project management, mitigation measures.
Range: Inputs may include studies, advice, intervention, mitigation.
3.8 The Significance of potential impacts is assessed based on a detailed qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of all the anticipated environmental impacts of the proposal and all alternatives.
Range: Impacts include but are not limited to direct, indirect, secondary, cross-media, cumulative.
Note: Significance is determined in terms of criteria which include but are not limited to magnitude, extent, spatial distribution, social equity, intensity, duration, nature, probability, status, risks, irreplaceability, irreversibility, limits of acceptable change, efficiency of resource use, loss of natural capital, livelihood sufficiency, inter-and intra-generational equity, precautionary principle, trade-offs.
Range: Alternatives include but are not limited to feasibility, location, activity, technology, no-go option, design, operational.
3.9 Measures are determined in order to manage impact.
Range: Measures include but are not limited to prevention, mitigation, rehabilitation and restoration, compensation.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 4:
4.1 The adequacy of environmental assessment reports is examined to determine whether they provide the information necessary for recommendations and decision-making.
4.2 Assessment of project risk is conducted in order to inform decision making processes.
Note: Assessment of project risk includes but is not limited to identifying, quantifying and evaluating all sources, pathways and outcomes; types of risk include but are not limited to physical, ecological, social and economic.
4.3 Assessments are reviewed for quality assurance and decision-making purposes.
Range: Quality assurance purposes include but are not limited to determining information gaps, matters for further investigation and/or consultation, amendments, supplementary information, ethical considerations, procedure.
4.4 Management and monitoring procedures are identified and specified to ensure adherence to the requirements as specified in the environmental assessment recommendations.
Range: Monitoring measures include but are not limited to procedures, protocols, and environmental audits.
Range: Requirements include but are not limited to environmental assessments, environmental authorisations, environmental management programmes and environmental assessment peer reviews.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 5:
5.1 The environmental problem to be assessed is conceptualised in order to specify topics for investigation.
5.2 Key questions are formulated to guide the investigation and data gathering.
5.3 Methods and techniques are identified and selected to gather, analyse and interpret data in order to determine relevance to a specific application.
Range: Methods and techniques may include but are not limited to field and laboratory testing, sampling, statistical analysis, geographical information systems (GIS), mapping, observation, questionnaires, interviews, modelling.
5.4 Research results are documented and communicated in simple, clear and appropriate style and language.
Associated Assessment Criteria For Exit Level Outcome 6:
6.1 Specific communication requirements are identified and utilised in order to engage with stakeholders and as well as related professionals.
Range: communication requirements include dissemination of information, elicitation of in-puts from stakeholders, feedback processes, mediation, formats, media, mediums, trans-disciplinary methods and processes.
Range: Related professionals include but not limited scientists, planners, engineers, lawyers, landscape architects, urban designers.
Note: language used is simple, clear and appropriate to audience needs.
6.2 Reports are written through the synthesis of information from various sources.
Range: Information sources include but are not limited to literature review, specialist studies stakeholder in-put and legal requirements.
Range: Synthesise includes but is not limited to review, integration and evaluation.
6.3 Environmental assessment reports and environmental assessment decisions are prepared and produced in accordance with legal requirements, guidelines and ethical norms.
6.4 Stakeholder engagement and public participation processes are conducted objectively and transparently in order to enable the right of stakeholders and the public to participate in the environmental assessment process within specific contexts.
Range: Stakeholder engagement and public participation include but are not limited to appropriateness, relevance, effectiveness, methods of dissemination of information, methods of consultation, public participation processes, mediation, identification of key groups, knowing how widely to consult depending on scale of project, advertisements and use of media.
The term "Integrated Assessment" implies that theoretical and practical components should be assessed together.
An integrated approach to assessment is incorporated into the qualification to ensure that assessment practices are open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and that no learner is disadvantaged by a particular assessment procedure.
Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably interwoven. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values specified in the qualification must be integrated.
A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working or will work. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.
During integrated assessments, the assessor should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment tools and methods; and assess combinations of theoretical, practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies.
Assessors must assess and give credit for evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.
Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated in an integrated manner.
The task team paid close attention to international comparability, particularly with respect to countries which have a long track record of EIA implementation and of formal training of practitioners.
The task team consulted and took into account:
- The Commonwealth Universities Online Database for qualifications in environmental assessment (frequently offered as components of qualifications in environmental management, 40 Masters programmes listed).
- The European Union project on the Promotion of European Education on Environmental Assessment for third country audience (PENTA).
- The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Training Course Database, as well as the IAIA Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment Best Practice.
- Training Programmes offered by the World Bank Institute.
- Prospectuses of Institutions affiliated to the American Association of Universities.
The qualification closely matches national qualifications that are offered by many universities in the European Union, particularly the United Kingdom, as well as in Australia - both of which are world leaders in the formalization of Environmental Impact Assessment qualifications. Similar qualifications were also found for the Malaysia Institute of Technology, University of the West Indies (Jamaica) and the Jawaharal Nehru Technological University in India. In SADC countries somewhat similar qualifications were found to exist in universities in Botswana, Mauritius, Uganda and Zambia. Similarities were found at lower lever or under-graduate qualifications, with entry-level content being covered. There were also similarities in terms of content covered in short courses, but which are not comparable to full qualifications at post-graduate level. In the United States of America Environmental Impact Assessment is most often offered as a modular component of Master's degrees in Science or Engineering. The only International Accord relating to training in the field is the European project to Promote European Education on Environmental Assessment. This initiative stems from the Bologna declaration of 1999 to promote European Education worldwide by establishing a European Higher Education Area by 2010.
Particular attention has been devoted to the institutions mentioned above because Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was formally adopted through legislation in the United States of America, Western Europe and Australia in the early 1970's. These countries have the longest track record of EIA implementation and of formal training of practitioners. The World Bank also adopted EIA as a requirement for development projects that it funds, and this led to their standards and procedures being regarded as good practice and being implemented in developing countries. The International Association for Impact Assessment is the world's leading network of Impact Assessment practitioners and it has been involved in the production of Impact Assessment training manuals for the United Nations Environmental Programme and for the United Nations University.
The comparability is based on content, level and credit value. Those qualifications reflecting "very close" comparability means comparability in terms of all three criteria; "close" comparability means comparability in terms of two criteria and "fair" comparability means comparability in terms of at least one criterion.
Comparability was done with the qualifications below:
Institution: Oxford Brookes University
Country: United Kingdom
Qual/Courses: Post graduate Certificate Environmental Science
Post graduate Diploma Environmental Assessment
Master of Research Environmental Science
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Very close
Institution: University of Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Qual/Course: Master Arts Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Very close
Institution: Murdoch University
Country: Australia
Qual/Course: Post graduate Certificate Environmental Science
Post graduate Diploma Environmental Management
Master of Science Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Very close
Institution: Griffith University
Country: Australia
Qual/Course: Post graduate Certificate
Master Environmental Assessment
Master Environmental Assessment & Thesis
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Very close
Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Country: USA
Qual/Course: Graduate Certificate Environmental Practice
Masters Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Close
Institution: Tufts University
Country: USA
Qual/Course: Graduate Certificate Environmental Science
Master of Science: Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Close
Institution: Universiti Teknologi
Country: Malaysia
Qual/Course: Masters of Science Environmental Management
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Close
Institution: University of West Indies
Country: Jamaica
Qual/Course: Post graduate Diploma Environmental Science
Masters of Science Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Fair
Institution: University of Botswana
Country: Botswana
Qual/Course: Masters of Science Environmental Assessment
Master of Philosophy Environmental Assessment
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Fair
Institution: Nkumba University
Country: Uganda
Qual/Course: Post graduate Diploma Environmental Management
Admission requirement: Relevant 1st degree
Comparability between qualifications: Fair
Examples of postgraduate programmes in environmental assessment in the UK
Institution: University of Manchester
Qual/Course: MA Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
Area of Specialisation: EIA, SEA, Auditing, Spatial Planning
Institution: University of East Anglia
Qual/Course: MSc in Environmental Assessment and Management
Area of Specialisation: Environmental Assessment, SEA, Risk Management
Climate Change Science
Institution: Oxford Brookes University
Qual/Course: MSc in Environmental Assessment and Management
Area of Specialisation: Environmental Assessment, Ecosystem Degradation and Management + options including GIS and Modelling.
Institution: University of Aberystwyth
Qual/Course: MSc Managing the Environment with Environmental Impact
Assessment pathway
Area of Specialisation: EIA Theory and Practice, Environmental Sustainability
Institution: University of Liverpool
Qual/Course: MA Environmental Management and Planning
Area of Specialisation: Environmental management, spatial planning, environmental assessment
This qualification accords with international qualifications in Environmental Impact Assessment in terms of level (post 1st degree), access from a range of undergraduate degrees and hours of student effort required to attain the qualification (Approximately 1200). Its content also accords in its need for a conceptual understanding of sustainable development and the environment, and the ability to think holistically and in an integrative manner. It also requires the ability to effectively use environmental assessment procedures and methods and to enable qualifiers to undertake applied research and to communicate effectively at a professional level.
This qualification may articulate horizontally with honours degrees in natural, physical or social sciences and the final year of professional degree programmes in planning, law, landscape architecture and engineering. This qualification may articulate vertically with masters' programmes in disciplines related to the specialisation (e.g. environmental planning, environmental management, environmental law or related specialist fields).
Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with an appropriate Education, Training, Quality Assurance (ETQA) Body or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA. Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA or by an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA, according to the ETQA`s policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation.
Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the Qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual Unit Standards as well as in the exit level outcomes described in the Qualification.
For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs the following -
- Assessment competencies and subject matter experience of the assessor can be established by recognition of prior learning
- Well-developed interpersonal skills, subject matter and assessment experience
- To be competent in the planning and conducting assessment of learning outcomes as described in the unit standards Plan and Conduct assessment of Learning outcomes NQF Level 5
- Well-developed subject matter expertise in environmental assessment
- A relevant tertiary qualification and 3 years experience in the relevant field
- To be registered with the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance Body
- Detailed documentary proof of educational qualification, practical training undergone, and experience gained by the applicant must be provided (Portfolio of evidence)
This qualification has been developed utilising the current SAQA level descriptors and qualification types.
As per the SAQA decision, after consultation with the Quality Councils, to re-register all qualifications and part qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2012.
This qualification has been developed utilising the current SAQA level descriptors and qualification types. The implications in the new Higher Education Framework for the level and qualification type were also considered. It is anticipated that the qualification will need adjustment should the new HE Framework be implemented.
The Professional Conduct Committee is responsible for
Functions, Roles & Responsibilities
- Responding to complaints regarding the conduct or practices of registered EAPs or registered Candidate EAPs
- Investigating complaints and/ or conducting hearings based on the procedures applicable in terms of the Malpractice Policy or as specified in any EAPASA policy from time to time
- Recommending decisions to the EAPASA Board in respect of matters referred to it, including appropriate sanctions to be imposed where relevant
Committee Members
- T. Tshabalala (Chairperson)
- J. Molwantwa
- S. Makhudu
- E. Molepo
- S. Nkosi
Functions, Roles & Responsibilities
The Audit and Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the budget and the financial performance of the Board and its activities, so as to enable EAPASA to function as a financially sustainable organisation and to achieve the objectives set out in the Constitution. This committee also advises the Board on policy matters in relation to fees charged by EAPASA as well as ensuring that procurement policies are in line with the requirements for public-funded organisations, and supports the Board to maintain good governance standards.
Committee Members
- T Tshabalala ( Chairperson)
- K Tshipala
- S Makhudu
- J Molwantwa
- M Le Roux